Sunday, May 26, 2024

How about a beer?


    Many years ago, I was into a phase when I found the Three Stooges entertaining.  My Mother and Sister picked up on this and started giving me Three Stooges memorabilia for birthdays.  One item was a bottle opener.  Whenever the metal portion of the opener came in contact with the metal bottle cap, the opener would ask, “How about a beer?” in the voice of Curly, of course.

      Like I said, that was many years ago.  The reason I bring it up is because all these years later, the thing still works.  It can’t be much more than a flat, little watch battery inside.  It should have died out years ago.  That got me to think about how we, as people, shut off.  Our heart stops, our circulation system fails and for the most part, that’s it.  We shut off.

       But what happens to those of us who don’t just instantly snap off, but somehow keep a trickle of spark, much like this bottle opener.  I can imagine lying inside a coffin, no feeling whatsoever.  No pain, no need to breathe, just an ongoing stream of thoughts running through our mind.  How bizarre would that be?  There’d be no panic, no sounds, just enough electricity left in us to think.

        It could be quite odd to just have a running conversation with yourself, about anything at all.  You could discuss various philosophies, remember significant events in your life.  Relive bits and pieces…  Just keep thinking until your battery finally reaches the end of its thoughts.  I would guess the final thought to be, why the pillow?

1 comment:

Pauline said...

You got me! Leave them laughing!! Never thought about why the pillow. Guess just to make them look comfortable for our sake. Hummmmm - all dressed up too and nowhere to go!