Tuesday, May 21, 2024



The scary version.

    You have been here on this planet for some time now and you’ve seen STUPID seep into every aspect of humanity.

  Whoever said, “There’s no cure for stupid” was right.  Every business, every group or organization, at one time or another, becomes infested with stupidity.  Really dumb ideas or decisions can quickly result in unintended consequences.

    My concern deals with AI.  People are designing it, building it, creating it, and very quickly it will be in every aspect of our lives.  Exactly what is to prevent stupid from infesting AI?

     Can there be safeguards? Are we able to build doors that only GOOD can open?

    I doubt it will be a nuclear war that ends us, but rather something really stupid. 


1 comment:

Pauline said...

I agree! Alexa is an AI - Right? Well, I am watching television, normal program, no one said her name or anything. All of a sudden - no lie - Alexa pipes up and says, "Would you like to hear a joke?" What!!! Of course, I said no. Gezzzzzz.