Thursday, May 9, 2024

I better get going...


Destine to never meet, and yet – here we are again, you there and me here.  What’s to become of us?  We eat different foods, go to different places.  We have none of the same friends.  Unless, of course, you know Larry.

Larry’s the one always in trouble.  If there is something broken, odds are, he broke it.  If something stupid was said, trust me - it was him.  And he knows everyone, done everything.  You can’t tell him anything.  Larry’s always the expert.

I think Larry was always destined to be a salesman.  Not a good one, but a salesman none the less.  I know he tried everything from used cars to cleaning products.  He always told you what you wanted to hear.  The truth could have snuck up and bit him before he ever recognized it.   I’m not sure that’s a real saying, I just know he wasn’t very familiar with the truth.

How did you get me talking about him, anyway?  When you think about it, he’s not that nice of a person.  Many walk the other way when they see him coming.  He doesn’t really bother me.  I just start telling him about my blog, and I can see this glazed look come over him, and he starts giving me excuses why he can’t stay.  He has this pressing appointment he must get to.

“OK, I’ll see you later.”

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