Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Groggy Time


    It felt like it was still pretty early. I rolled over and squinted at the digital clock. It said, 3 5 9.

    Good, I thought, I can lay here another minute. I won't get up until it says 360.

    I closed my eyes and rolled back over, but something seemed wrong. Something was nagging at me. Was there some reason I needed to be up before 360?

    I tried to think of what it was I had scheduled for today. Nothing was coming to mind.

    Now I wondered how long I had been laying here thinking about this. If I look back at the clock it should still be only 360 something. Surely another few minutes wouldn’t hurt.

    Wait a minute…

    There is no such thing as 360.  If there was, then there could be a 380, and 395.  What’s going on with my brain?  What time is 395?

 Some things may not really be Blog worthy,
but they're true.  Apparently I was a little groggy
this morning.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Yep - I have done the same thing. Funny though - I did not realize when reading your blog that there isn't a 360! Duh!