Monday, May 20, 2024



There is a distinct difference between, I've got your back, and I'm on your side, and it's not a location preference.

Where are you, and where are you from, deals with both location and time.

Add to either of these, an accent or different dialect, and basic communication can develop verbal potholes.

Partial sentences or incomplete thoughts also turn into detours or roadblocks.  Misunderstandings can flourish in this atmosphere.  Foreign road signs and north arrows won't help this recipe for disaster, even at higher elevations.

Breathing life back into a dying conversation usually takes skilled professionals.  Emergency personnel trained in sorting out the fake punt attempts from the short hops to second sometimes even aren't enough.

That's why I'd like to introduce you to the fully electric metaphor mixer.  It blends, it chops and dices verbs, nouns of any size, and without if's, ands or buts.

Order yours today.  Operators are standing by.  Not nearby, but just over there. 

Not offered in any store.  Most colors available.  While supplies last.  Hurry don't miss out.  Ask for it by name.


The one - the only, Meda-Mix.

90-day money back, not available in all locations.  Shipping and handling will be added at checkout.  Taxes, fees and extended warranty issues handled by small claims court.   Do not use Meda-Mix if you have a studder or cannot stand on one foot for extended periods.  Meda-Mix has not been approved for languages containing more than 6 consonants in a single word.  Avoid connecting a GPS to any Meda-Mix.  Avoid children, just as a general rule.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

I think I am in a pothole. I have no words.