Monday, May 13, 2024

Its Not Done Yet


    Humans were not given keen senses.  There are many animals who possess a sharp awareness of their surroundings, but humans do not operate at that level.  It is with that in mind that I tell you the following true story.


    It was a hot evening in Florida.  The humidity was high, and tempers were short.  Several senior ladies were sitting out on lawn chairs, mostly complaining about how hard life was at their age.  While everyone was talking, and for most of the past hour, Mary never joined in the conversation, but just kept knitting.  Her clicking knitting needles had started to get on everyone’s nerves.

    Louis came outside carrying a tray with a pitcher of fresh lemonade and several glasses filled with ice.  The ladies’ chatter only stopped long enough for each to take a glass and thank Louis.  Mary just kept knitting.

    Finally, Beth said, “I don’t recognize that shape, Mary.  What is it you are knitting?”

    All Mary said, however, was, “It's not done yet.”

    Everyone just let it drop and went on with their talking, until Cloris couldn’t stand it anymore and jumped in with, “That is really an unusual shape, Mary.”  Hoping Mary would then reveal what she was knitting, but that didn’t happen.  She just kept knitting and said, “It's almost finished.”

    What little breeze there was didn’t amount to anything in the way of cooling things off.  The sky was clear, and the moon fell brightly on the group of ladies.  The rest of the community was quiet.

    Without so much as a BOO, a very large alligator came lumbering from between the houses heading towards the group of lawn chairs.  The only sound was coming from its breathing, but somehow it was just enough that it got Mary’s attention.

    “Now it's done,” Mary announced to the group, and took the edges of her knitting and with one swift movement, stood, bent forward, and pulled the long, cylindrical masterpiece over the snout of the gator.

    “It’s a muzzle.” She smiled and sat back down.



The End


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Nothing Better than to get up on a rainy day (even a sunny one) and read your blog! You made me smile!