Sunday, May 5, 2024

Turns out the Moon is flat, like a disk or Frisbee


Aren’t you glad I don’t use those stupid attention-grabbing headlines that are so prevalent on the Internet?  I mean, really, how dumb do you have to be?


Now back to our regularly scheduled post.

    As many of you know, I never use this blog to gripe or complain.  I simply jabber on about things I discover along the margins of life.  Yesterday, someone reminded me about my issue with the Nature channel.  I will go into a little detail here, but keep in mind, I’m not complaining, only commenting on what I see, and how utterly stupid I think it is.

    This seems to happen every time, without fail.  The camera shows a colorful field of wildflowers, swaying in a gentle breeze.  Along the edge sits a little bunny munching on a tender leaf.

    Then, as the camera zooms back, we see a small cloud of dust.  It is being kicked up by a bobcat running full speed, the little bunny in his sights.

    I can’t remember a time when they’ve ever filmed a herd of gazelles or antelope without showing the slowest of the group being taken down by some chomping set of muscle-bound jaws.  

    And don’t give me, it’s the circle of life garbage.  It can be a part of Nature without becoming a part of our entertainment.  I don’t see your local supermarket showing the rotten fruit and vegetables whenever they film their commercials.

    OK, now I hear myself.  This sounds really close to complaining.  And I know, all I need to do is turn it off, which I do.

    Now, Death of a Salesman I’d watch.  As long as the salesman was one of those guys selling Nature films to the network.

OK, I'll stop.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

So true. We shouldn't have to watch that. I remember when we had dinner one time at Grandma Geoffroy's house. It was so tasty until she told me it was one of the rabbits -who's name I cannot quite remember. I do remember I stopped eating and felt sick! Oh, and I never quite look at chickens the same either. So sad.