Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Mystery Package


It was a simple, little string.  I bent down to pick it off of the carpet only to find it was one end of a very long string.  As I gathered it up, I twisted it around the keys I happen to have in my hand.  In only a few steps I no longer had to bend over but simply just walked through the house gathering up this long piece of string.  It eventually led me out of the side door and down the walkway to the mailbox.  By now, however, I couldn’t have used my keys even if I wanted too.  They were now inside this growing clump of string.

This didn’t just appear.  Someone must have laid this out, but why?  Was I going to discover a kite at the other end of it?  Well, apparently not, as I could now see the string disappearing into my mailbox.  I carefully opened the little door and inside I saw the other end of the string was attached to a small package.  This must be the prize at the end of this little adventure, I thought to myself.

There was a note on the box that said, you’ll thank me later. As it was my mailbox, I figured it must be for me, so I carefully lifted it from the mailbox and pulled the string free from the small piece of tape that held it to the mystery package.  I didn’t at all think it was dangerous, so I carried it back into the house and set it on the kitchen table.  By the looks of it, all I was going to need was scissors and maybe a kitchen knife to unwrap it.

This was exciting.  Who could have done this?  None of my friends could have gotten into my house to lay the string all around.  Certainly, the postal worker didn’t know me that well to be playing pranks on me.  This was quite perplexing. Ever so carefully I removed the tape from the wrapping.  As I pulled the paper away from the package, I could see it was a small box with a tiny brass plaque affixed to the top of it.  The box was a rich mahogany and looked to be hand made by someone quite skilled.

 I turned the box around so I could read the fancy scroll writing on the brass.  It took a second but then I smiled.  It said, A place for your string.




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