Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Shed

It was perhaps a little larger than a shed should be


a regular roof


windows –


and a door,


but no larger than a good sized kitchen.


It had been painted with age itself - with various seasons tugging at it over the years


just waiting for it to quit –


collapse with exhaustion


to become rubble.


It was such a building that beckoned canvas and oil


But the hand holding the brush would have to be old


and shake - as a frail branch trying to support an arrogant squirrel.


Within my mental image


the shed suffers no rot or decay


just as the artist who paints it remains free of aches and impairments


Life in my thoughts is void of funerals and landfills


It is absent of mildew and cancers.


Even the music has been treated to keep it from becoming stuck in my head.



(I try to think of everything)




1 comment:

Pauline said...

Love It and especially the "ARROGANT SQUIRREL".