Friday, January 10, 2025

When Johnny Comes Marching Home


It is altogether possible that I am just too picky, but the way I see it, if Johnny is on his way home, it means the war is over or his tour of duty has ended.  Either way, he would never be marching.  That is not normal behavior.

I expect he would be taking a train, flying on some transport, hailing a cab, or running but marching?  Never.

The person who wrote this song apparently didn’t spend day one in the military.  If they had, they’d know that marching is not only stupid but is very hard on the joints.  On top of that, put on combat boots, a uniform and full pack and try marching.  I don’t think so, pal.

There should be a form someplace where we can request a lyrics change.  There might already be one, but I’ve not found it.  Let me know if you know of one, I'll be happy to fill it out.


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