Monday, January 13, 2025

The Farmer and the Birds


While fixing his breakfast the farmer had his radio playing.  When the news and weather came on the farmer stopped and turned it up a bit.

A massive winter blizzard was heading his way.  His first concern was for the animals, so right after breakfast he started making preparation for the blizzard.

When he had done everything he could think of and was heading back to the farmhouse, he noticed the little Sparrows flying about.  He knew they would never survive the storm, so before dark he went back out to the barn and propped open the large door, just a little.  Then he lit a lantern and hung it up.  Surely, the birds can seek shelter here, he thought.

That night, after his evening meal, he looked out of the kitchen window.  Just as predicted, the storm had arrived, but through the blowing snow he could see the light coming from the barn.  He smiled, knowing everyone would make it through the night.  He had done everything he could, it was up to them now.

The following day the farmer was sad to see that several Sparrows lay dead on the snow, despite his efforts.  They stayed out in the cold, and apparently just didn’t see the light.



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