Friday, January 17, 2025

Time and Temperature



Without even looking outside I can tell it is winter.  It seems like in no time at all my coffee cup goes from very hot to cold.  Just picking it up for another sip tells me many things.

Even though I have not noticed any change in the room temperature, the heat emanating from my coffee has exceeded the speed of light.

That, in itself, suggests the scientists have been wrong all these years.

It’s sort of like that saying, In the blink of an eye.  That does not refer to speed at all, like many people think.  It is actually associated with wind and wind direction, for it is mostly tiny particles that get blown into your eye at the exact moment you blink.  However, over the years, sayings like that become distorted and when mixed with different languages and time zones, their meanings sometimes become wonky.

Baking a cake, for example.  Right on the box is a chart showing times and temperatures, along with a hint about higher elevations.  Wedding cakes are usually higher than normal bakery window cakes.  Those might be two layers max, and often subjected to the rays of the sun, drying them out and eventually creating unsightly cracks.

Those are not good selling points and should be taken out of the window before something like that ever happens.  Once again, it’s all about timing.

Not to be confused with homemade pies, left on a window ledge to cool.  But that should never take place during winter.  If in doubt, feel your coffee cup.





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