Friday, November 22, 2024

This should have never happened.


Someone is peeling an orange.  I had been hiding just under the skin when I noticed it starting to get lighter, almost too bright.  For so long now I had been safe living undisturbed beneath the orange peel, not bothering anyone.  Now, all of a sudden, I can hear the skin being peeled back, beneath me I feel the juices rushing every which way, seeds scooching over, trying to keep safe.

Why is this happening?  The tip of a fingernail plunges deep into the skin, just missing me.  I’m scared.  A spurt of juice shoots out like an artery has been severed.  I think I hear a muffled scream.  It must have headed for their eye.   Suddenly I’m falling.  A clever plan, they have let go of the orange to attend to their eye.   We hit the floor and roll across the aisle.

They don’t chase me.  They give up.  Their grocery cart squeaks as they move further away.  For now, I’m safe.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Lucky You - sudden death if you were a grape!