Sunday, December 8, 2024

So don't wear a hat or live in LA


Meteorologists can use $10.00 words, but still not explain where the wind comes from.  We don’t see it but know when it is here.  We can hear when it passes through and yet not hear a peep as snow falls. (the stuff we can see) What’s up with that?

The wind is not a solid, but it can knock stuff down.  Rain can fall right through it and not leave a mark.  It can push snow into large drifts and push waves across water and it can push a sailboat one way or the other, but if you hold up one finger, the wind will go right around it, leaving you alone, except for maybe your hat.

Wind can be any temperature it wants to be.  It can force you to hold tight to your coat, keeping it closed up around you, or it can cause you to change into a Hawaiian shirt, walking around untucked and with short sleeves.

It doesn’t care how much time you spend combing your hair.  It could have other plans for you.  Add to that, the Hawaiian shirt and people could start standing farther away from you.  It can carry a kite or sand from the beach, salt from the ocean, smells from the local restaurant, whispers as well as echoes.  It can swirl.  Be careful of that one.  It can change direction without notice, or slow to a simple breeze.  It can hold up airplanes as well as departure times.  You can even breathe it in without harm, unless you live in Los Angeles.

That's my report on wind. 


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Wow! That is amazing. Actually, never thought about all of that.... well except for the bit about breathing in LA!