Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Campfire


Last night I realized I have entered the campfire stage of life.  As I walked across the room, my snapping and popping bones sounded exactly like the logs popping in a campfire.  I should have been quite warm by the sounds of it.

Truth is, I wasn’t.  Warmth leaves our bodies as we age, that’s why old people are forever cold.  I remember my mother keeping the house temp set to 80, and still wearing a sweater.

Becoming aware of the campfire stage isn’t very comforting, as it is just another Post-it note from Father Time that none of my plans should be long-range.   There is no more goal setting, only short lists and check-off marks.

None of this is anything new.  The founding Fathers of this country knew exactly what they were doing when they set up the trucking industry.  They had all of the parkas, gloves, scarfs and mittens sent to the East coast, and the shorts, flipflops and Hawaiian shirts trucked down to Florida, understanding that nobody in New England would ever be buying flipflops or anything with short sleeves.

Even the original 13 colony people left all of their London Fog coats back in England.  They simply knew better.   Most people don't know that one of the signers of the declaration was L.L. Bean.  (No relation to the Boston Beans).

Who writes this stuff, anyway?
It started off so good.



Monday, December 30, 2024

The second Tuesday of next week


I can dissolve my shadow with a simple flashlight or remove my hunger with a double cheeseburger.  By gluing my shoes to the sidewalk, I can eliminate my fear of heights and through the simple use of a hot air balloon I can follow the north wind to my cabin in the trees, where acorns fall gently on a bed of giant leaves.

It is my place away, free from the things of man. Absent of the sounds of traffic, the scent of progress and my neighbor’s windchimes, I shall live out my quiet existence in thought.  Free to change my mind, alter direction or completely stand still, feeling the earth’s rotation beneath my feet.

Should the postman deliver your letter I will read it by candlelight, while enjoying a bite of chocolate and a refreshing beverage, for within my walls no bathroom scale shall be found.  My shoes and cares will be left outside.  Once in a while, a little Mozart in the background or maybe the Beatles. 

I'll decide later. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

When the Artist becomes the Art


                                              Photo by: Z. Corwin

Water & Light


Within Reach


I slip it in my pocket

It’s there each time I look,

I never put it in the bank

or tween pages of a book,

It’s all mixed in with pocket lint

but easy enough to reach,

Its nuthin no one showed me

ain’t nuthin you can teach,

Next to keys and pocket change

and does no one no harm

It’s my thumb and all my fingers

attached here to my arm.


Being able to spot a vegetarian helps us to know who isn't.


The crows send out an early morning alarm, letting everyone know there is a hawk in the area.  The alarm spreads from crow to crow, across the treetops and even causing the ground squirrels to panic, running in chaotic directions, until finally they try hard to blend in with the tree trunks.

Everyone loves breakfast but no one wants to be it.  Neighbors walk their dogs along the edge of the road, neither them nor their pet seems concerned over the presence of the hawk.  The humans believe their size is enough to intimidate any bird, yet little do they realize the hawk sees the tasty treat at the end of the leash as a simple swoop and grab.

Silently gliding in from behind the human, the element of surprise will thwart any leash jerking action they attempt to save little Mickey.  And the wingspan of the hawk will easily drag through the air the dangling leash, while Mickey yaps in fear and pain from the claws digging into his sides.

The signs are all there, we just have to listen to them and pay attention to our surroundings.  

Taken from an article in
The Yapper Gazette. 2021





Saturday, December 28, 2024

You must be present to win.


A lit cigarette smoldered on the edge of the ashtray, balanced only momentarily by the tension in the room.  The next card would determine the direction the pile of cash would be slid.   Based on the beads of sweat running from Darrel's face, he needed it to be him.  Luck, however, had not been in his corner.

Maggie started to say something about the precarious cigarette about to burn her table but thought better of it.  This was not a good time to interrupt.  Everyone was holding their breath.  Darrel got a twinge of hope when he noticed Bruce’s hand shaking slightly.

The phone across the room rang and startled everyone.  It sounded much louder than normal.  Maggie rushed over and answered it, but in a whisper.  Then she hung up and walked back to the table, standing behind Darrel. 

“Maybe we could open a window.”  Jess said, without even looking up.  He was sitting on the other side of the ashtray and had been annoyed by the smoke for the last half-hour.

“It doesn’t open.” Maggie replied.  “They are old wood windows and most of them are stuck closed.”

Betty flipped the final card over.  At seeing the slight grin on the queen of diamonds, Jess made a sound that didn’t sound human, and he threw his cards across the room.

Darrel knew better than to reach for the pot.  He was waiting to see Bruce’s reaction to the queen, but he could feel himself starting to breathe again.  Had his luck finally changed?

So far, Bruce had shown no reaction to the last card.  It was as if he was in a trance.

“Bruce?” Maggie said, but still there was nothing.  Finally, Betty reached over and touched his arm.  Then she squeezed it and gave it a shake.

“I think he’s dead.” She mumbled.

Maggie gasped, and Jess reached over and turned his cards face up.  Then he looked at Darrel and said, “It looks like you win by default.”




From the Old Country

 Second cousin Jakub wrote to say he caught the accordion bug.

Silly me.  I thought he was talking about music.

An Abrupt Ending


I’ve tried to take all things in stride

but then I found a bug inside,

Not in the yard, where it should be

but in the house, right here with me.

So many legs on such a bug

front ones pull while back ones push

walking here across my rug –



Proper Attire


My shoehorn fits inside my shoe

As do my feet, both left and right

There are at times I walk in dreams

But I don’t wear my shoes at night.


For I wouldn’t know just what to do

Should I be wearing boots so tall

not climbing mountains as I do

But strolling through a shopping mall


A nightmare once, I did abort

had loafers on a tennis court

People yelled and then threw rocks

From that point on, I just wear socks.





Friday, December 27, 2024

The Innocence Project


Where are they when you need them.

Great Potential


It can catch any wild animal,

any bird or child.

It can capture an emotion and

stop time and movement.

It can suspend a raindrop

or snowflake.

It can tell a story

but it can also be tricked.

It can see through light

or deep into a shadow.

It can be faster than a blink

and last longer than a memory. 

it can be expensive art
in a gallery,

or exhibit A
in a courtroom.

Sad little screams


If I had the ability to add sound to

this blog, you could hear what I'm

hearing coming from these dying noodles.

With no land in sight.


The folks in the cabin were not 
paying passengers, neither were they
aware of the leak.

One look at the Captain's face 
would have told them
they should be very concerned.

It's what's left


The Great American Chocolate Bar

Fortune Teller

 She said she could see palm trees.

All I could see was the reflection of the ceiling light.

Then she scooted back in her chair,
"I see swirling wind.  A deep pit.
Red, all is red."

What does that mean?

She glanced at her watch.
"I'm sorry, your time is up."

It's how we talk


The simple text that you receive

first goes through here

can you believe?

Each and every word I give

every noun

and adjective,

Complex thoughts in single file

make their way

in pixel style,

Travel quickly past my feet

then you reach out

and hit delete.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Life to the Last Page


When I was small

and out to play

my boo boo’s

all were kissed away,

But as I aged

my cuts and scrapes

were treated quick

behind closed drapes.

Even though

I’ve aged in stride,

boo boos now

are all inside.

No cure for age

or magic pill

just turn the page

and read the will.



Here's the thing...


On Christmas day I tried to light these candles.  Only the one on the right worked.  Nothing I tried did any good on the left one.  Last night, just before bed, I turned the one on the right out, so they were both out.

Sometime during the night, the one on the left came on and it stayed on throughout the night.  I went out there when I got up and turned it off.

Could this possibly be a message from beyond?  Then again, maybe it is just some spiritual comment on my inability to handle a simple task.  Can the spirit world really be sarcastic, or possibly mean spirited?   I’m not really prepared for an afterlife filled with pranksters.

As always, your comments are welcomed.




Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Cookies


Dryer lint, dryer lint

how do you grow

You don’t make good mittens

there’s nothing to sew,

I find it amazing

and a little bit queer,

On laundry day

you simply appear.

Fluffy and soft

I wish that I knew

just what I could make

from a big bunch of you.

I could stuff a pillow

at night rest my head,

but I’d dream of old socks

or blankets long dead.

Maybe make cookies

tasty and nifty –

I'll just add and egg

and bake at 350.

Monday, December 23, 2024

We're putting this one under the tree

 Oh Joy

Our Crazy Uncle


So, we’ve got this crazy cousin in the North woods of Maine, but here’s the thing, he is really an uncle, and Maine is actually Florida, but he is crazy.

I mean, the balloon animals he makes are animals from a different planet that no one has ever seen.  Who knows if they’re right or not?  He spends his time feeding the crows, who knows why?  I remember one time; he didn’t have any motor oil for his car so he pushed a stick of butter into where the oil should go.  He really did.

I remember one time, back when he lived up in Northern Michigan he wasn’t feeling well and told his doctor he thought he’d developed a Petoskey stone.  His doctor suggested he had (GSD) Gift Shop disease and told him to lay off trinkets for at least six months.  

For a long time, he had a pet clam named Murray.  He kept him in a bucket of water.  He claimed he could do tricks.  I remember he bent a wire coat hanger so it had a loop at the end, and when he lowered it into the bucket, Murray would jump through it.  We couldn’t really tell if Murray was jumping or if our crazy Uncle was just sliding the loop under him.

I'll tell you more, as I remember it.





TAG - you're it.


Here’s the thing,

When you wear a tee shirt that carries a saying, message or advertising on it, it’s not only possible, but very likely those reading it automatically associate you with the message you’re displaying.

One obvious issue is the relationship the reader has with the product or service advertised on your shirt.  If they have had a bad experience or encounter, you will forevermore remind them of that experience.  Your relationship will always carry a portion of that negativity. Combing your hair won’t help, neither will bathing or hiding your tattoos.

Short of buying an all-new wardrobe, might I suggest turning your shirt inside out, and if necessary, wear it backwards.  Trust me, everyone you meet will enjoy a completely different impression of you.  Just ignore that little tag sticking out.

Sunday, December 22, 2024



from the root word: Shell.
Origin; Old Chelltic 1155 AD to 1527
= 372
Designed to carry the 1

Christmas through the mail slot


Free Range



Without Options


There is no choice



I'd like to zoom closer

In hopes, understand

how complex, yet simple

the plight of Man


To get inside

focus on needs

his fear of living

sadly, his greed


direction of knowledge

forever a guess -

before time lost

gets addressed

Friday, December 20, 2024

The 15th Ring


For fourteen times the phone rang.  Based on the time of day and the persistence, I just knew it was important, but there was no way I could answer it.  Nobody was supposed to be in the house, especially me, not now, not after…. well, you know.

It all began three days ago, at Newman’s Drug’s and Stuff.  I noticed a crowd gathering just beneath the lamp post.  Being curious, I walked up and asked one of the people what was going on.  A lady gave me an odd look and said, “Someone just took his pulse.”

“That’s terrible. Who would do such a thing?” I said.  A person on my left then looked at me and said, “Who are you and why so many questions?”  Surprised and just a little defensive I said, “Hey, I just got off that bus, isn’t this Palookaville? I had a one-way ticket.  I got off here because I thought this was it.”

I could feel the focus of the crowd shifting from the guy laying on the sidewalk to me.  They started to murmur, and I was getting very uncomfortable.  Then I felt a hand take hold of my arm.  I looked and saw it was an older lady wearing an apron.  It said, Larry’s Café and Stuff.  She must have been a waitress.  She had heavy, red lipstick and a lit cigarette bobbing up and down from her lips as she spoke. 

I wanted to tell her that I could use a cup of coffee, but her perfume was choking me up so much I couldn’t get the words out.  That’s when she tugged on my arm and said, “Come with me.  You look like you could use a cup of Joe.”

As we crossed the street, I could hear the crowd’s murmur die out.  They had already lost interest in the stranger in town.  “I’m Ned,” I said. She gave me a quick glance and said her name was Floozie.  This must be Palookaville, I thought. 

I took a seat at the counter and Floozie picked a coffee cup from a couple stools away from me and wiped it off on her apron.  “Cream and sugar.” She said.

“No, black” I replied. 

“No, I wasn’t asking if you wanted cream and sugar, I was just telling you what I was wiping off of this mug.”

I ignored that and instead I pointed at the cardboard sign that said, Sundries.  “Just what are sundries, anyway?”

Floozie grinned a little and said, “You know, I asked Larry that once and he just said it’s stuff.  That’s why he calls this place Larry’s Café and Stuff.  It’s the stuff."

“Shouldn’t that sign be at Newman’s Drugs and Stuff, and not at a Café?”

“Yea, Larry liked the sign so he bought it from Newman.”

That made no sense, but I let it drop.  I was focused more on the questionable coffee mug Floozie was now setting in front of me.

There were two coffee pots sitting on the heating plates behind the counter.  One had a brown top and the other orange.  I looked at Floozie and said, "I'm regular."

She stopped for a moment and just looked at me.  "You seem like a 44 in a coat and..."

"No, I mean I don't want decaffeinated coffee."

"These are both regular, honey.  The pots are different because that's the way they came." and she filled my cup from the orange pot, and by this time the ash on her cigarette was about to drop off.  As she spun around to set the pot back on the heating plate, the ash flew off and landed perfectly in the glass ashtray that was on the counter.

"I bet you couldn't do that again if you tried."

She gave me an odd look.  "Bud, I've been pouring coffee for years, I could do this all day long."

I didn't bother to explain that I was talking about the cigarette ash landing in the ashtray.  Obviously she had not noticed it, and I was also thinking there was something off, just a little, with this town.

I may or may not add to this nonsense.
I'm not sure yet.