Saturday, July 6, 2024

Just so you'll know


    Hell is not some mysterious place down below. That, my dear comrade, is a fallacy.

    Here's what actually happens when we die.

    If you've been good, which is, as good as most humans can be, then your soul rests comfortably, nestled with the memory of past friends and loved ones. You feel warm and welcome.

    If, however, you've been a complete jerk, if you have stepped on people to get ahead, or cheated them, or pulled any of the rotten things that mean people do, then your soul simply stays put.

    But here's the thing, should you have an itch, you can't scratch it. It stays an itch. It simply festers for eternity. If you happen to have a leg cramp, it stays cramped forever more. Each individual remains in their own personal torment. It makes no difference if your remains are cremated, to your soul it all feels very real, and lasts forever.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

OK - that's scary! I'm gonna be good from now on!! Yikes!!