Thursday, July 25, 2024

It's something we eat.



While sitting in the driveway, getting some Sun, I began to wonder what it would be like if all the various birds I was seeing would suddenly come over and join me.  They would all be standing around my chair and for whatever reason, we could understand each other when we spoke.

I thought about the various people I encounter during church service every week, each with their own peculiarities, quirks and personalities.  I expect the bird population to be no different.  Some might be friendly, others a little stand-offish, sprinkled with one or two know-it-alls, some maybe a tad arrogant, and maybe one or two just a little ditsy.

I can imagine an old Crow, having been around the block, so-to-speak, still living in the past.  Recalling the good old days, when corn was free for the picking, and smokestacks were far and few between.   A bird could breathe easy back then.

When I considered all the personality types, and experience levels, I realized there’d be no way I could carry on an intelligent conversation with them.  We’d never have a common frame of reference, and they’d never understand any reference to Birdseye frozen peas.



1 comment:

Pauline said...

Ahhhh - The Language of the Birds! You CAN learn it. Remember Noah Wyle in the movie The Librarian! Couldn't be any harder than Armenian!