Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Channel doesn't matter


It is in the name of journalism they exist.  Under the cover of free speech, they thrive.  All the while pretending not to be jackals, feeding on the misfortunes of humanity.   They swoop, praying upon mistakes, blowing them up larger in order to gather ratings.  Advertisers clamoring to push their ads between every sound bite.

It has been the downfall of television, leaving nothing for entertainment but shows of murders, homicides, suburban stand-offs, and car chases.  The dregs of society is rising to the top of the box office. 

The sad and unfortunate part being - no one is in charge.  Nobody is ever held accountable.  This decay feeds upon itself and has become the accepted norm.

So what would you like to watch tonight?



    Off in the distance stood a castle, looking quite regal, yet somehow lonely.

    I believe it has been empty for some time now.  I expect its grand ballrooms no longer echo voices, its hallways dark and creepy – without footsteps.

    On weekends there were always a line of pawns eager to view it, although no longer were they giving tours.  The realty sign read, by appointment only.

    There had been a rumor that some rich Australian feller tried to buy it about a year ago, but he told the realtor,

"I'm such a wallaby.  I haven't got a check mate."


I know this seems like a rook
but I haven't had my coffee yet.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Owl wood


Left in the subdivision, unattended -

an Owl wood, neither fenced, plowed or tended.

Where wildlife grows, above and beneath –

Safe, for the moment, from contractor’s teeth.

Where owls at night, sit safe on their branches

and daylight warms bunnies who’ve had second chances.

Unnoticed by walkers, pulled by their dogs,

Squirrels chase each other, ignored by the frogs.

Unspoiled by Man, the owl wood grows,

Nestled between these houses in rows.

No mailbox, no package, and no hunting please,

Owl wood’s quiet, and free as the breeze.