Monday, September 16, 2013

Episode 13





            Oak Valley is a small, friendly community just off the freeway in the Blue Diamond Mountains.  As today’s story begins Linda had just learned that although she is a teacher in need of a job - Oak Valley does not seem to have a High School.  As we listen in we find Judy at the O.V. Dairy Queen explaining the situation to Linda.


Judy:  “...why, we don’t even have a Jr. High.  We don’t have an Elementary School, or a Pre-School.  Why the Oak Valley pet store doesn’t even have enough fish to form a school.”


Linda:  “Well, what do people do?”


Judy:  “I guess they buy their fish over in Mayville.”


Linda:  “Judy, have you always worked here at the Dairy Queen?”


Judy:  “Oh, no.  I’m retired from the Government Services Department and I get a fat check each month from the government for my war injury.  Folks around here call me the Double-Dipper, Dipper.”


Meanwhile…  Across town and over two streets, Erick has an audience with Judge Carmine Miranda-Wrights.


Eric:  “Your Honor, I believe I have enough here to take to court.  My client, Mr. Ferguson, was wrongfully discontinued and as a result did not receive the proper medical care needed.”


Carmine:  “That’s fine but just who are you taking to court?  What I mean is, can I have a ride too?  My car has been in the shop and although it’s fixed I refuse to pay the interest charges they’ve tacked on.”



Well…  Just who is going to court?  Moreover, what’s this conflict of interest?  A beauty contest judge working as a trial judge and now we find that Judy the Double Dipper-Dipper was wounded?  What a scoop.  Tune in again tomorrow when we will hear Linda say, “ Hey, why couldn’t we turn that old, empty hospital into the new Oak Valley High School?”




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