Sunday, November 17, 2019

Things Remembered

          “As Gregor Samas awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.”

          That is the opening line in The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka.

          As the Audi rested in the driveway during the summer I kept what I thought was a close eye on her health.  Full of oil and loaded with top of the line gas I exercised her around the block once a week, like you’d take a fine racehorse out for a run.  I wanted her to be fit and ready to face another winter.

          Soon after I began to drive her full time I noticed an exhaust smell inside the car.  “Nertz.”   I took her to Tuffy Muffler and informed them that I didn’t want to spend much on the repair.  I only wanted a Band-Aid.  I was thinking along the lines of maybe a $50.00 repair - there you go Sir, have a nice day.

          I soon found out that THEY were thinking, $1000.00 and oh by the way - we don’t have the parts.

          Annoyed at the lack of enthusiasm they showed in trying to solve the problem, I decided to take matters into my own hands.  At lunch time the following day I went to the grocery store and bought one of those large, aluminum roasting pans.  They are meant to be disposable.  Once you have roasted your turkey for your Thanksgiving meal you simply toss this roasting pan into the trash.

          This is flexible sheet metal, I thought to myself and it is resistant to heat so why not use it for a Band Aid?  So on Saturday morning; armed with my roasting pan, my tin snips and trusty car jack, I set out to fix the Audi.

          I pulled the Mustang out of the garage and pulled the Audi in.  I jacked it up as high as I thought safe and spread out a tarp.  I was ready. 
I knew that to just crumple a turkey roaster around a leaking muffler may be giving more credit to my crumple abilities than they deserved so I grabbed a handful of garbage ties and twisted them together making several long wire straps.

          I should mention at this point that when I pulled the car into the garage there wasn’t a lot of room on either side.  Sally’s Jimmy was on one side and the cement step leading up into the house was on the other.

          I opted to approach from the cement step side, so I laid on my back holding my turkey roaster, garbage ties, tin snips and flashlight and I scooted myself under the car.  It was soon apparent that I had not raised the car up as much as I should have.  It was a very snug fit and I had very little maneuverability.

          Having done as good a job as I thought I could, considering the amount of room I had, I now tried to scoot myself out from under the car.

 I was stuck.  I lay there on the garage floor - wedged between the bottom of the door panel and the cement step.  Kicking my feet in the air and waving my arms I tried to wiggle and twist to flip out of my predicament.

 It wasn’t working.   That’s when I remembered The Metamorphosis and this poor kid who had awoke to discover he had turned into a gigantic beetle and was kicking his many legs in the air as he tried to right himself.

          Ahhhh - Memories


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