Saturday, December 20, 2014

Snowshoes & Windsocks

I believe in the theory of close proximity.  I believe that standing or sitting close to another person facilitates to some degree a sort of mind reading capability. It is a psychic link that we all have, limited only by a willingness to be open and receptive, and this is important, there needs to be a total absence of garlic.


I believe no matter what skill level, or weight class, no boxer can lace up his own gloves.


I believe greed is the most unfortunate trait in humans and of course the rich have more.


Psychiatry exists in a world void of friends.


Any and all of my various beliefs may change at any moment.


Establishing and further cultivating a blog should be left to the non-professionals.


On bright, Sunny days my beliefs become more positive and upbeat.  On dismal, rain-filled days I tend to eat more soup.


When society eventually gets unplugged, children will plant more libraries.







1 comment:

Pauline said...