Saturday, December 27, 2014

Appropriate Measures

It was a security system of sorts with an exterior mounted camera and a monitor box connected to the television which was inside the house.  Somehow the camera would see things, like it was an eye or something and then – just by thinking of what it was looking at would mentally send the image to the television.  It seemed somewhat magical.

The installation of the outside mounted camera required a sturdy ladder, an electric drill, a Phillips screwdriver (not the big one), and a standard household broom.  The standard household broom is what I wanted to tell you about. You see, after picking out the perfect spot to mount the camera, which by the way was up under the eves, in the corner, facing over that way, I noticed I was not the first person to think this a perfect location. 

A spider had built himself a lovely ranch-style home.  It had a tremendous view and appeared to be well constructed.  This is where the standard household broom comes in.   Although I was brought up to share, and to get along,  I could just picture this spider, perhaps sometime in the near future, adding room additions to his ranch-style house with the great view, and in so doing would construct his walls right in front of the camera, whose ability to see through walls may be questionable.  It was an once of prevention sort of thing.

Using the standard household broom I removed the spider’s well constructed, ranch-style home with the amazing view, along with Mr. Spider himself.  Now I understand that to some of you this may seem like a rather harsh and aggressive act, after having been raised to share and to get along.  I really did feel bad, but just maybe, had Mr. Spider invested in his own security system he would have seen me coming and taken appropriate measures.  …I’m just saying.



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