Friday, December 19, 2014

Stargazers step in the most puddles

We were somewhere, or maybe somewhere else, I don't remember.  I do recall looking up and seeing the top of this building.  It caught my attention, not because things were looking ominous - weather wise, but something was off.  Obviously I could tell which way the wind was blowing, and I could certainly identify east from west;  but what was the deal with the arrow pointing straight up?  What was that all about?  Suddenly I became curious about the maker of the weathervane.  What were they trying to say?  Was there something I wasn't getting?  Was it simply an aesthetic, artsy kind of thing, or was it some deep philosophical comment on our insignificance in relation to the universe?  And what was the deal with those windows?  Just how fortified did they need to be?  The imagery of this whole thing gave me a feeling of impending doom.
Now - days later, sitting here writing about it I can see the humor in getting the ticket for jay-walking.  

1 comment:

Pauline said...

HA - HA - HA
Not even going to ask if you REALLY got a ticket or not.