Friday, November 9, 2012

Bic is a pen name

I had been previously despondent, gray - colorless.  Nothing mattered, not spelling nor punctuation, syntax… nothing.  I lay about like some exhausted verb drained of its action and lacking the substance to be a noun.


I knew this wasn’t a healthy state to be in but I couldn’t afford movers.  My friends seemed to all have lives going on, they were happy – spondent.  So what was my problem?


          Then suddenly - like some whirling pancake batter being flung from a mixing bowl it hit me.  I needed to start using a quill.  Yes, I was sure of it.  That would perk-up my writing.  It would put the spark back into the thingamajiggie.


          Oh I know, it was going to be hard making the switch.  I have been so long using this pen - with its nom de plume -

 Monsieur Bic   

It was just something I needed to do but it would have to be a clean break; no second guessing, no third person, no forth trip to the hardware store, just a quick dip into the ole’ ink well and voila’.



          Now I am morose.




 No inkwell.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Ah Ha - and don't forget about that little dip in the wax seal thingamajigger!!!
Very cool.