Saturday, June 13, 2020

Buck Naked

Someone, I’m not sure who, keeps setting the crows to go off early in the morning.  There are, I’d bet, worse ways to wake up, which is one reason we didn’t buy a house on the 7th fairway.  Old men in plaid pants chattering about gas mileage, or Betsy – in accounting is not something I care to hear outside my window as they stroll by, scratching down their lies with stubby pencils.

I much prefer a gentle arrival to the day, waking slowly, assembling my thoughts as to what day it is, anticipating my morning coffee, mentally speculating about the outrageous news stories I might hear.  But NO.  Crows, crows are announcing to the world that they didn’t like last night’s thunderstorm, or they are fighting over the squishy remains of a varmint jaywalker.

Going back to sleep is not an option, not after what I just heard.  Keep in mind, my crow might be a little rusty, but apparently Betsy is the squishy jaywalker.  Some unfortunate timing with her husband coming home unexpectedly and seeing his actual Dear in the headlights.  

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