Wednesday, February 23, 2022



This is the last straw.  I mean it.  You have stooped too a new low this time.  When I challenge your word, you come up with a bogus dictionary, and show me the word is in there.  When I catch you moving the tiles when I'm not in the room, you blame the dog.

Now I see you have fabricated a fake E.  Really?  Why wouldn't you make a Q or a Z?  And look at that 1.  That isn't even a real 1.  It looks like a tiny railroad spike.  You carved that in there, didn't you?  What, you colored it in with a sharpie?

You're pathetic. 

No.  You know what?  They have a word for people like you.

Let me see that dictionary of yours.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Well, that is just the first E. Kind of like a "page number".