Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Calm down - you're safe in here


Not sure what to expect.  I got an email yesterday reminding me that I have a class today at 10:15am.  I had forgotten I signed up for it.  It’s a free class at the library.   I’m bringing a couple of pens and a notebook with me.  Oh yes, I’m also bringing my mask and some Lysol wipes.  And maybe some hand sanitizer.  You know – book worms.

I am hoping to reduce my frustration level.  I know, I only use this thing as a typewriter, but all too often I bump up against a command that gives me the struggles.  Trust me when I tell you, the struggles can be quite frustrating, and when frustration levels rise, well… it tends to slip me off track.  I need to stay on track when I’m writing, or I go off on these tangents. Actually, I think the word Tangent is a mathematical term, referring to a direction other than the one intended originally.

I could be wrong about that.  I’ll have to look it up.  Ha ha, my initial thought was to grab my Oxford dictionary.  Talk about obsolete. That’s right up there with typewriter.

Am I stuck in the past – or what?  Maybe this class will be too advanced for me.  I hope it is for beginners.  Well, not too beginners.  THIS IS A KEYBOARD.  Write that down.  It will be on the test.  Yikes!  I hope there aren’t any tests.  Maybe this was a bad idea.  Really, I’ve had bad ideas before and you don’t really know they’re bad until you suddenly find yourself wearing hospital socks and doing a paint-by-number in a room painted green, because green is a calming color.  I’m not sure what number green is, but by the looks of it, they stayed inside the lines.

What’s he talking about?

I don’t know.  He goes off on these tangents.

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