Saturday, February 6, 2021

Stump Speech


It is only through indecisiveness that I meander at these crossroads.  I can neither be influenced by political antics, nor strong-arm innuendo.  My wishy-washiness remains steadfast, for no other reason than I cannot choose between that which promises uncertainty or that which professes loudly, their lack of conviction.

I could not, in all good conscience, run for any office claiming to do good for one side and not the other.  Mankind has no divisions.  There aren’t winners and losers, there is no good verses evil.  Within any political arena exists only evil.  Greed is an inherent trait of man and cannot be isolated or quarantined for any specified duration.  Each of us carries our baggage as we travel.  It may, on occasion, be stacked at the bellboy’s stand, but eventually a sour note will be heard within the harmony and no amount of flag waving will squelch it.

 Luggage will burst open, strangers passing through the lobby will scream at the sight of it, and children…  Well, who knows what children will do?   Okay, so maybe children under five eat free, but other than that, who knows?

Should, someday, a person stand before me, worthy of my vote, I will know them at a glance.  Their face will show the reflections of honesty, while their shadow will be void of a past.  They will be strong of muscle and character.  Their hair, if any, shall succumb to the force of gravity, their shoes will reflect a well-traveled independence.  Compassion will guide their moral compass, with gummy bears their one indulgence.




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