Sunday, January 17, 2021

Winter Soldiers


Made of ice - they sweep down along mountain sides, invading from the north, and always in great number.  So sure of their victory the element of surprise is never needed.  We see them coming.  The weather channel highlights their camps and reveals their intent.

Entire towns are swarmed, leaving no person or structure safe.  With mighty force and the wind at their backs they seep in through doorways, around unguarded windows, passing right through insulation and repelling down chimneys.  

Winter soldiers leave in their wake downed trees, slick roads and sidewalks unfit for older hips.

This is not a war for the faint of foot.  It is a battle ground for the youth, armed with sleds and skis.  Bundled in armor from L.L. Bean and fortified with hot chocolate, to attack with mittened hands and booted feet, they run at it head-on, scarfs waving, voices yelling…


“Snow day!  Snow day!”


For that is the cry of victory.

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