Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Unreasonable Doubt


None of them were asked to explain their thinking or to justify their decision.  They simply stated that they were unanimous and quietly filed out of the courtroom and went their separate ways. 

It was, of course, years later when the truth came out about juror #8.   By then it was all too late.  Things had been done based upon the verdict. Lives had been changed, one life ended and society as a whole took a step backward.  The system was indeed flawed and a great change would be made. 

The Governor and his cohorts were indicted along with juror #8.  The city stayed on the front page for longer than was comfortable.  The Feds would be taking a long look at the system and soliciting outside opinions from law professors as to possible changes. Myron Goldstein would head the taskforce.  A panel of 500 citizens, 10 from every state would be allowed to view all meetings on a designated television channel.  The 500 had been selected from a National lottery to ensure randomness.  Their access code to this channel was controlled and monitored 24 hours a day. The President and Congress would be in on the final decision.  The decision as to how the new Constitution of the United States would be written. But even their final vote had to have the majority support from the 500 to pass it into law.

The Goldstein’s, their friends and extended family had been assigned guards 24/7.  Each and every college professor chosen for the task was assigned personal bodyguards and was under constant surveillance. Nothing was left to chance.

Independent agencies were hired to monitor the overall operation and no agency was informed about the other or how many total agencies were involved.  Checks and balances were in place and even those were being monitored.

Of the people, by the people and for the people would no longer be an empty slogan.  Americans First was the new battle cry and Washington D.C. would never again be the same.





 This was a story idea I started several years ago.

I've never done anything with it but I have set it here

to remind me to get back to it some day.



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