Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Just check back ..

Time is the hunter, painting the leaves with color, and my face with lines.  It takes me by the hand and walks me along an uneven curb, knowing eventually I'll slip.  It is up to me to focus on balance, to be sure of each step before it is taken.

It is on a windy hilltop this morning where I set upon this folding chair, my keyboard perched on this wobbly tray, and I type a few stray thoughts.  The first being that I should have brought a cushion, for it is the comfort level of this chair that will determine the duration of this essay.

The outward eye would have me write of flowers, Elms or the fluttering bustle that is this hilltop rush hour.  Brilliant reds, and muted auburn's fall and dance past my drab shoes.

Although beautiful, I do not pause at this canvas, for it remains my inward eye that sees beyond color, and movement.  Even here, in the midst of Nature, I find that I contemplate the plight of Man, the ills of society, and I question, as have you, the mysterious edge of infinity.

Today I set out to explore that which extends just beyond the edge, casting light upon regions too often left to shadows.   It will be my attempt to extrapolate from existing data, not falling short of creating a blend of educated conjecture into a comprehensive picture of the unknown. 

I really do need to go and get a cushion, however, so I'll work on this a little later.

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