Friday, July 10, 2015

Side Pocket - Population 1547

Side Pocket was an odd, little town with quirks and characters, diners and dashboard dice.  The music on the one jukebox was worn out yet still played everyone’s favorites.

The judge came into town every three months, so if your timing was off and you got picked up right after he left, it was a guarantee you’d spend 90 days on the inside until he returned.

The jury deliberation room was on the roof - mostly because they didn’t allow smoking in the courthouse; so on the rooftop you could smoke, drink and decide someone’s fate all while attempting a bank shot.

Larry never did hold up the A&P, but having spent 90 days waiting around for his day in court - it kind of changed him. 

He was acquitted in short order but always seemed just a little surly after that.    
What?  You thought I was making this stuff up?

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