Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Communication - Here & Hereafter

I have noticed long stretches of time when there are no squirrels, chipmunks or birds at my backyard feeders.  I always wonder what’s taking place at those times.  Is it something that’s communicated and agreed upon between the critters?  Is it weather related?  Perhaps they’re like my cat and are simply boycotting the fact that I bought food that was on sale.

I find it quite curious and it seems to highlight just how much I don’t know about nature.  We know that birds understand bird communication and bugs understand bug communication, but are there really hard and fast lines drawn between species when it comes to talking?

This whole thought process comes at a time when I have just immersed myself in the Catlin Doughty book, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, and followed that up with the John Edward book, Crossing Over.

As of today I’m not 100% sold on the idea of being able to communicate with the hereafter.  I find it an enjoyable topic, I guess because it isn’t something I have experienced first-hand, although I have had a few experiences I cannot explain. 

It just seems that the communication line drawn between us and the dearly departed is not moveable or up for discussion.  It’s there and most of us don’t get to cross it. 

I’m not ruling out the possibility that those in the hereafter are getting fresher and tastier snacks and we’re not supposed to know it, much like the squirrels, chipmunks and birds eating the good stuff over in my neighbor's yard.

Maybe we, the living, are being fed the older bread that's been cast upon the water.

Ralph’s 3.18






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