Friday, August 9, 2013

As Seen on the Nature Channel


Wild office workers gathered at the community coffee pot are suddenly stalked by a lone manager hungry for juicy corporate rungs.  The workers scatter; some diving behind partitions, while others run for their cubicles, quickly trying to look busy. 

As is always the case, the weakest and slowest of the herd is caught and taken down by the carnivorous manager.  The chastising is not for the squeamish.  When it is over and the manager has grown weary and quite proud of her deed, she puffs out her mane and struts back to her corner office.

The devastated worker whimpers.  Small rivulets of dignity ooze from the gaping wounds in her ego.  She struggles to carry the stacks of useless reports she must quickly compile, complete with color presentations and totally fabricated statistics.

The general demeanor of the office is now back to normal.  Only a low murmur of gossip remains and a faint, lingering aroma of burnt coffee.


This was a reenactment.  No actual employees were harmed.
and that is the report that will be filed.

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