Sunday, March 3, 2024

Comfort Zone


Building a paragraph of well-constructed sentences is where I live.  It is fun, challenging and did I mention fun?

Becoming published requires a completely different set of skills.  It requires being a salesman, an administrator and evolving into someone who can toot their own horn.

I’m very content sitting at the far end of the bleachers, with my brown bag lunch, watching the game.  That’s my comfort zone.  Sure, there may be a small bottle of hooch in with my lunch, but that’s just my Southern Comfort.



Pauline said...

Not only are they well-constructed sentences, but creative, interesting, thought-provoking and they leave you wanting more. You need an Advertising Professional or a Chief Marketing Officer. If they only knew your work - it would be a SNAP!

Anonymous said...

You're too kind.