Saturday, March 2, 2024



I have these batteries that, once they run out of juice, you just plug them into your house, and they fill back up again.

Not that I understand where batteries get their power to begin with, but just how much power must be stored inside the walls of your house to be able to refill any number of batteries at any time?

It boggles the mind.  Then again, that must be why sleeping indoors recharges our own energy.  I get up in the morning and I’m ready to spring into action.  No matter how worn out I get during the day, a good sleep inside these walls seems to do the trick.

There is a construction site two streets over.  I should wander over there and watch as the builders put up the walls of the house.  I’d like to see what they fill them with.

  The funny part - my walls have never run out of power.  My house is no bigger than anyone else’s, yet I’ve heard my neighbors complain of feeling run down.  It could be they have too much insulation in their walls and the power isn’t getting through it all.  

I have heard it said that insulation has an R rating.  That must stand for rundown.  And I have no proof of this, but I think they always put too much insulation in retirement and assisted living establishments.  Those people always appear to be rundown, tired and otherwise exhausted.

Think about it.





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree! There was a couple of times when we lost power and I was so tired the next day!! 😔