Friday, November 19, 2021

Refund Request


Nature Toys Incorporated

4517 E. Broadway

New York, NY 30775


Dear Nature Toy Company,

Back in the late 50’s I bought your ant farm for my child.  It proved to be very educational and provided hours of entertainment.  It was great.

More recently, however, we purchased the Raccoon Ranch, suitable for ages 5 and up.  Although constructed of sturdy plexi-glass, the raccoons did not take long at all to figure out how to work the little door latches.

To this day, none of them remain contained within the ranch.  Really, it's like they don't want to be in there at all.  They have taken over the kitchen, the refrigerator and pantry.  They have eaten all of Sparky’s dog food and have made our cat a nervous wreck.

Your little instruction booklet mentions nothing about how to get them to go back into the ranch.  We believe there should have been some kind of warning letting us know there was a possibility they could escape.   

We have even tried wearing the raccoon masks you provided, attempting to trick them into going back into the structure.  They didn’t fall for it, in fact two of them seemed to be laughing at us.

We would like a full refund, along with the cost of replacing Sparky’s food.  Additionally, please send your employees to collect the raccoons and the remainder of the ranch pieces.

Also, while they're here, if they could help us find our car keys and TV remote it would be appreciated.




Wanda Maynard


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Perhaps one of your raccoons has gone visiting over to my neighbors' house. It seems that he was having his crawl space professionally cleaned out when the guys all just left - stating that he had to get the raccoon out before they continued! Now half of his floor insulation has been ripped out and waiting for the evacuation of the raccoon before the new insulation can be installed. The price to have a raccoon removed from under your house turns out to be more than the new insulation! So please ask Nature Toys Incorporated to send a guy over there as one of your little guys went on a walk about!