Friday, November 26, 2021

Dear Santa


I would not want your job for anything. In fact, I’m surprised you still do it. Before we get to my wish list, let me first thank you for Spell-check. That has been a lifesaver. Windows 10, on the other hand, you can grind it up and use it to fill potholes in Michigan. Trust me when I say, you’ll run out of Window 10 programs before you ever run out of potholes in Michigan. But I’ve gotten off the subject.

This year I would like teachers to be paid the same as movie stars and sports figures. I would like to see mandatory jail time for judges who take bribes. I would like to abolish all political parties and go to a flat 5% tax rate for everyone, no exceptions, no loopholes.

I would like free medical, dental and eye care for every human in the country.  I would like to see a 50-year, bumper to bumper warranty on all new cars, including free oil changes, tire rotations and road service.  Each government agency, from the top down, should be 100% transparent, with life in prison for any shenanigans.

I understand you may not be able to get me everything on my list, so if there is to be only one thing out of all I have asked for, please make it filling the potholes in Michigan.



1 comment:

Pauline said...

Hey Larry - I totally agree with you and will also put all those things on my list as well. So glad I read this and have time to amend my Santa wants and desires. Hey - amazing picture!!