Thursday, April 21, 2016

Second-hand Daydreams

It was odd, but I fell backward and landed in yesterday.  I know I wasn't dreaming because it hurt a great deal when I landed. 

As I stood up and looked around I could see that not only was I in the past but I was actually standing in a restaurant.  What the heck - I ordered lunch.

The menu prices were great, there was no pesky calorie count next to every item listed, and the place smelled like fresh grease. Yum.
I even recognized the music that was playing on the Jukebox.
So what's the catch, I wondered...
Ahhh, I see it.  The person at the next table was smoking. Yuck!
I couldn't take it.  When my waitress came by I asked her to pinch me.
Ouch.  I woke up.  I was back in today.  The smoker was gone, the prices were crazy and the music was driving me nuts.
It was great to be back.