Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Odd but True

Back when Rhinoceroses roamed freely around town the city council decided to put iron fences around the trees.  They had spent so much of the budget having the trees put in they didn’t want to see them damaged by the occasional rhino knocking them over in its attempt to simply scratch an itch.

Over time, as the local delicatessens learned to perfect their Rhino Rubin, and Rhino Horn soups, the herds dwindled and those remaining became a tad ornery, eventually unsuitable as house pets.

The trees, however, kept growing and soon enveloped the very fences designed to protect them. 

The rest of the larger, older trees around town have grown completely around their fences so all that can be seen today are the trees themselves. This is the last remaining fence, and in another 80 years it too will no longer be visible. 

So when you come to our town and see that all of the trees look normal - well now you know why.

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