Saturday, October 13, 2012

Common Cents

It's early when I see the bagel girls,

Jabbering of last nights events -

aromas: onion, sesame, swirl about, mixing

with Obsession, and Nina Ricci -

all kept blended by the entrance

and exit of customers.


Make-up applied thick like

cream cheese spread over and

around, done with the skill

only acquired through repetitiveness.


Of course their task is not

bagel preparation but more important

the perky, morning greeting -

as if their excitement to see us

was genuine.  That is their



We, the mostly shaven -

shuffle in, mumbling - drooling. 

With missed buttons and behaviors

we peer into our coin purse while

requesting a Plain with Honey-walnut.


Scooting sideways in single-file

the local population parades before them -

carrying with them the day's schedule,

the morning paper and lacking the

cents needed...


the cheerful cashier scoops it from the small

plastic dish and sends them

on their way -

pound foolish.








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