Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Milk Money


I had to get through the entire box of cereal, but I finally found it, the little toy packed deep inside the carton.  It was sealed in a small, plastic pouch but looked nothing like the way it did on the TV commercial.  

I was totally bummed, but then I remembered seeing the advertisement on the side of the school bus for The Kid’s Lawyer.  Almost instantly I began to feel better.  

Their television commercial says that for the cost of your milk money, you too can have the skilled, professional legal representation you deserve.

Just to be sure, I waited to see the TV ad again before calling their 1-800 number.  

In the TV commercial there is an animated Tonka truck, painted up to look like an ambulance, and a little man with a briefcase running after it.  Then scrolling down the screen is a list of all the reasons for hiring The Kid’s Lawyer.

Unfair detention

Wrongly accused

Sibling Favoritism

Excessive homework

Unfair Playground practices

Always Picked Last

Crossing Guard Scuffles

False Toy Advertising

That was it!  That’s what this was.  The toy inside this cereal box was a blatant misrepresentation, and I wanted satisfaction.  

I called the number.

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