Monday, December 5, 2022

With one sock on and one sock off



I knew a man named Borsenhnoff

who never did complain –

I saw him waiting for a bus

just standing in the rain,

With dripping hat and soggy coat

more tolerant than us –

The sign a foot above his head

showed he’d missed the bus.

At home his children pestered him

they always wanted toys –

And never would his wife allow

A night out with the boys,

Yet always pleasant Borsenhnoff

would smile every day –

And when his soup would show up cold

he’d eat it anyway.

The last time I saw Borsenhnoff

they were laying him to rest -

A smile still upon his face

he’s given life his best.






Pauline said...

Ahhhhh, I love this one too!

Pauline said...

Everyone should be a Borsenhnoff!! So much easier than the alternative.