Friday, November 18, 2022

Pen without a Pal


Somewhere out in the World is someone who enjoys writing.  They have fun with the written word and play with the language.  They aren’t concerned about spelling or why I capitalized the word world, they just have fun.

I had such a friend but as it turns out, once you pass away, your correspondence comes to a screeching halt.  (Who knew?)  Now, I find myself in search of a new pen pal.  This has turned out to be more of a challenge than you might think.

So here’s the deal; Wander through your history, page through an old address book and see if anyone strikes you as a potential pen pal.  If they do and if you’re brave enough, send them my snail-mail address or email address and let them know that I am searching for a new pen pal.  There are no prerequisites, and no salesman will call.

Getting a letter is fun and exciting but the post office is making it cheaper to raise a starving child overseas than to buy a stamp.  That’s why I also offer my email as an option.

  (Subject line: Pen Pal)

So there you have it, my quest to breathe life back into my hobby.


Punctuation sold separately.  


1 comment:

Pauline said...

It is a lost art form and I fear that the TV is the culprit.