Thursday, October 27, 2022



What draws people into an antique shop?  Could it be that looking at the bits of the past makes us feel as if we had been a part of it, like we ourselves could be a piece of history.  Old technology being used by people who are relics themselves perhaps provides us with a little insight as to where we fit in.

In looking at the odd bits left behind by society we begin to wonder what the future holds.  Will cars someday drive themselves?  Will telephones become so small they could fit into your pocket?  But what about the cord?  How would it plug in?  And who could possibly afford to have such things?  I know one thing, cameras will never change.  How could they?


It should be noted -
the image reflected in this mirror
has been the same for several years.
It does not change, no matter what is
in front of it.
If you purchase this mirror, this is the 
reflection you will see.
No one has been able to explain this phenomenon,
except to suggest that it is an
antique reflection.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Hey - I also have one of those mirrors with an antique reflection.