Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Someplace Dark


There’s a roach along the baseboard

on his way to someplace dark,

like a villain staying hidden

in the shadows of the park,

an evil behind the smile

a wink that goes unseen,

the chill of winter’s stillness

covers everything that’s green.

Down the hall a life is fading

nurses scurry to be sure,

with flashing lights and buzzers

the doctors all concur,

The waiting room is silent

Third shift will now begin

a crack between the baseboards

helps the roach to squeeze right in.

Thank you for your service


It was my job in the Air Force to park these planes once the pilots landed them.

They either had a designated location on the flight deck or a specific hanger they were to go in.  

Once the pilots climbed down from the cockpit, they’d toss me the keys, like I was some kind of valet or something.  I’d climb into the seat and adjust the mirrors and of course put my seatbelt on. 

One particular rainy night, I remember it well, I got myself into the cockpit and there were candy wrappers, and McDonald cheeseburger wrappers everywhere.

  What a slob, I thought.  Well apparently, the messy plane and the rain had taken my mind off of my driving.
And no, before you jump to any conclusions, I didn’t run into anything.  I did, however, accidently nudge a switch which fired a rocket at one of the fighter planes parked 600 yards ahead of me.  Boy did that blow-up.  What a mess.

I did eventually get an honorable discharge, but not until signing a promissory note to pay back the 2.4 million to the Air Force.  They agreed to take $12,160.45 a month from my check for the next 30 years.

Of course, it took an act of Congress to give me a field promotion.  They had to make me a Major so my paycheck would cover my debt.


By reasons of insanity


Someone I don't know and will never meet

picked coffee beans on the far side of the world.

Some large corporation has processed those beans,

packaged and sold them.

Sometime later, I bought them.

Every morning I cook them and then

drink the hot juice.

It is not all that good

so I add sugar and cream.

Only then am I ready to start

my day.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Difference


Unlike my Grandfather,

none of Grandma's hats

 had fishing hooks or lures

hanging from them.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

To things left undone


It's a rare occasion I get everything done.

Sometimes, at the end of the day - 

I'll remember something I've forgotten.

It's then I'll justify to myself the reasons

for leaving it until tomorrow.

Now and again they'll be a trigger -

something will remind me,

like the sound of a school bus.

Only then will an image of you appear in my thoughts,

sitting there on the curb

waiting for me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Lets call the whole thing off


No wait...


Several things needed to happen if I was going to make it across the road and the first thing I needed was perfect timing.  I needed enough space between the cars to allow me to move fast but not so fast that I would trip and fall.  The next thing I would need is to have the driver of the car not be distracted, not be on their cell phone, or facing the backseat yelling at their kids.   I needed them to be paying attention to what was going on in front of them.  And I couldn’t have them traveling so slow as to cause the car behind them to suddenly pull around them to pass.  They would be traveling way too fast for me to get out of the way.

One of the things against my success was the sun.  It was to my left which meant it would be hitting the driver right in the face.  They would have to have their visor pulled down or be wearing sunglasses or both.  Failing those two things, they’d have to be squinting.  None of those things presented a desirable situation.

I remember cousin Larry.  He got halfway across and started second guessing himself, so he turned to go back but then stopped.  What on earth was he thinking?

I didn’t see it myself, but they said when the Goodyear 75R-14 rolled across his body, the acorn that had been in his mouth shot completely across the road.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Clearing


I came to a clearing and was surprised at my elevation.  I could see the city, including the thin layer of smog that hung over it.  I was thankful to not be sitting back at my desk, working hard to make other people rich, shuffling papers, fielding phone calls all the while watching the clock.  OK, so maybe I wasn’t working all that hard.   Even so, it felt good to be up here in the clear air, away from the freeway, city traffic and craziness.

Most people think a single vacation day is a waste of time, but I like it.  Just one day to break up the week, to clear my head.  Just then, as I stood there thinking about the Roberts report I still had to get done by Friday, a red fox came trotting past me.  I thought for sure he’d notice me standing there, but he didn’t.  Not sure what a fox would have on his mind but whatever it was, it was enough to distract him from noticing me.

I was annoyed at myself for being in this wonderful place but thinking about the Roberts report.  I’m not really getting away from it all if I bring it with me.  I needed to focus on something else.  I tried to see the exact spot where the fox had disappeared into the woods, but then I noticed a plume of black smoke rising up from downtown.  I figured that had to be a fairly big fire to see the smoke from this far away. Suddenly I heard the explosion.  There must have been a delay in the sound getting here.  Yikes!

That’s going to throw a wrench into city traffic.  It was always bad but whenever something out of the ordinary happened, everything would fall into a complete tangle.

Well, that got the Roberts report off my mind for the moment.  I wonder what happened.  I’m sure I'll hear all about it tomorrow.

I wandered over to the far edge of the clearing and sat on a fallen tree, setting my backpack against it.  I dug out my sandwich and bottled water.  This looks to be a fine place for lunch, I thought to myself.  Then I pulled out my copy of Stranger in the Woods, by Michael Finkel.  I was about halfway through it.  It’s great story but it is always hard to find any uninterrupted reading time around work.  No matter where I sneak off to during lunch, someone always finds me and wants to talk or gossip about someone.

          Even though I was trying to concentrate on my book, off in the distance I could hear the sirens from the fire trucks.   I stood up and looked towards the smoke.  It was still going strong, whatever it was.   It must have been more than just a fender-bender, I thought.  Maybe even a building fire.  From the sirens it seemed like a lot more than just a single firetruck. I sat back down and picked up where I had left off in my story.

          I didn’t bother to look at the time, it just felt like I should be heading back down into the city.  I’d be back at my desk tomorrow and I was sure I’d hear all about the fire and excitement that I missed today.  At the bottom of the trail I tossed my pack and trash into the trunk of my car and drove back into the city.  As I got closer, I could feel the smog start to sting my eyes.  Why do I live here, I asked myself, even though I’ve asked myself that all the time.

          I was happy to see that it hadn’t been my apartment building that had gone up in smoke.  Everything looked normal and the parking garage was as full as ever, and my spot was vacant, as it should be.  Once in my apartment, however, I could see the light on my answering machine flashing.  The number of messages flashing was 9.  Never had I had that many messages.  I pushed play and walked to the fridge to grab a beer.

Ted, the office building burnt down.  It’s all gone.  Everything’s gone.  Call me.  This is Linda.


Call me when you get this Ted.  Bill.


Hey Ted, you weren’t here.  The police are looking for you.  They have some questions.  Where were you?  Give me a call.  This is Bill Evens.


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  I stopped the machine and just sat for a minute sipping my beer and thinking about that fox disappearing into the woods.  I certainly didn’t need to worry about the Robert’s report.   Not now.



            to be continued...

Trust me - blending is good



I do not watch the news.

I am oblivious to current events.


I haven’t any feathers.

No politicians can ruffle me.


I need not stand to be counted.

Having age in my face and gray hair remaining,

I blend into that which is Florida.



A Really Great Novel


A Writer

A Keyboard

A Monitor


Given enough time and adequate inspiration you’d think I’d come up with more than this.





Think again.


Not to worry.  It's just a dry spot on the slopes. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Sole Mates


I have gotten to a point where I can no longer simply sum-up my life.

It doesn’t fit into a nutshell and there are way too many important highlights to single out any one in particular.

My story can only be conveyed through my shoes.  So many, many years ago they sat proudly on a display rack.  They smelled of rich, soft leather and they seemed to warrant the asking price.  From day one, my feet were happy.  They comfortably hugged and cushioned me against the harsh realities of life.

Needless to say, we went everywhere together.  Should I happen to break into a run, they kept pace, step for step.  On those occasions I was required to tread softly through a library, they never made a peep.  I had found my sole mates.

Sure, what you see today is worn and somewhat scruffy, but they can still handle the curves, stop on a dime, and quickly change directions at any mother-in-law sighting.

They have done well on foreign soil, repelled with ease the occasional misstep into a puddle and have taken a shine to any formal gathering.

At trails end, I have no trouble letting them speak for me.  We have stood facing life together.  There are no regrets.

When I look at the shoes of today, with their high price tags and man-made uppers, I can’t imagine myself having to go through life with such things on my feet.  It would seem such an uncomfortable journey, I'd sooner take the bus.


Friday, August 19, 2022

No Skyscraper - a short story


The wooden dock stretching out over the lake is old and not all that comfortable to sit on.  I always bring a cushion.  Dangling my legs over the edge places the bottom of my bare feet just at the surface of the water.  If I flip my feet up and down, I can splash just a little.  I usually don’t do that, however, as it tends to scare the fish.

Deb says there’s a body in the lake.  She says she saw someone, two summers ago, dump it in here late one night.  She says she won’t put her feet in here cuz now the lake is cursed.  I know the kind of people that live around here, so I believe her about the body, but I’m not buying into that curse thing.  I’m sticking to my story about scaring the fish.  That’s why I don’t put my feet in here.  You believe me… right?

There have always been too many people moving in and out of this neighborhood to notice just who might be missing.  None the less, a detective came snooping around here last year.  I don’t recall his name, but I remember he questioned everyone around, even old Jake.  Doesn’t seem like Jake would know too much.  He never comes out of his house, except to get the newspaper off his porch.  Even then, he scoots right back inside.  It’s like he allergic to fresh air or something.

Rumor was, Nancy, from Channel 7 was going to run a piece on the drug problem here.  Everyone I’ve talked to was going to watch just to see if their house got on TV.  That would have been their big claim to fame, seeing their house on the television.  In a round-about way the mayor has let Channel 7 know that there would be no report about drugs in our town.  We all thought that was an unusual statement to make, especially to the press, but then again, all the cops work for him, so who knows what he’s capable of.

Here's what I do know.  Debbie, the one spreading the stories about a body in the lake, just happens to be quietly buying up all the available lake front property she can.  I’d like to think the best of her, but in looking at what she’s doing, I’d say she’s up to no good.  I’m not saying anything to anyone, but really?  I can’t be the only one to notice this.  And come to think of it, I remember now who has disappeared from around here. It’s Naveen Porter, other than Debbie, this town’s only other realtor.

I need to be careful. Sometimes I let my imagination get away from me.  I am currently working on another book.  This one is entitled No Skyscraper – a short story.  From my computer desk I can see across most of the village.  I think it is this vantage point that started me writing about multi-story buildings and what it must be like to have a view of everything, even the shenanigans.

to be continued

Artificial Lawn


Clever in its making

It looks so real from here,

Green and thick, each blade in place

No bunnies dare come near.

Harsh and course upon your hand

Not pleasant to the feel,

But stand way back and take a look,

From here it looks quite real.

Never needs a trim or cut

It doesn’t grow a hair

Never need to rake a leaf

Or fertilize with care.

Your neighbors, several houses down

Got something they’ve been buying

Sold separately, and by the case

They're plastic dandelions.


 Note:  This will not stay here.
This is a temporary holding area until
I can once again locate my trash can.

Thank you for your understanding.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Use Only a #2 Pencil


Be sure your answer is completely filled in
before going on to the next question.
If you make a mistake, erase your answer
completely.  In fact, tear that part of the page
away.  If you have a match or lighter
burn the torn piece and scatter the ashes.

But not around here.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

It's had the wind knocked out of it


I wanted to fit in

I joined the school band,

I bought me a Strum-Flute

you play it by hand,

I marched with the tubas

stood next to the drums,

no one could hear me

as I gently strummed.

Some students laughed

but I held my own,

And ducked when behind me

they played the trombone.

I marched with precision

was always in tune,

I got my diploma

by the middle of June.

Now out on my own

I’ll start my own band

nothing but Strum-flutes

you play them by hand.



The Importance of Me


They call it an iPhone

because it’s all about I,

I before see

don’t you get it?

It will take all your time

take a picture of you

and send to your friends

if you let it.

The importance of me

makes someone else rich

they’re counting on it

I can tell –

Every commercial upon the TV

makes a prisoner of you

in your cell.


A Writer


Some people ask me where I get my ideas.

All I can say is that from a very early age I

paid attention to my surroundings.  I watched

the people around me and listened to what they,

at the time, thought was important.

Over the years I saw the political climate change,

wars come and go and fashions being altered

just to stimulate the economy.   I watched leaders go in 

and out of favor and the art world highlight

one medium over another.

I took note of the educational system and

saw people in the music industry rise to fame

with but a single hit.

I could see the glaring holes within the

justice system and I watched as an

entire country said good-by to a loved one.

But mostly, I think it was the beer.

Sometimes a nice cold beer is just jam-packed

with inspiration.


Friday, August 12, 2022

Hot Coffee


I'm just wondering what the air

temp would be inside those bubbles.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Luxury Cave

The classified advertised it as a luxury cave.  The real estate agent, Helen Parker said she could show it to me at 2PM, so at 2 on the dot I returned to her office, and she drove me to the property.   I was surprised to see it was in fact a cave.  The front yard was just a scraggly field.  There wasn’t any sidewalk leading to the cave entrance, just a slightly worn path through the field.

As we got out of her car, she reached into the trunk and pulled out a flashlight.  She looked at me and said she wasn’t sure if the electricity had been left on or not.  I was happy to hear it had electricity. 

Walking in, the first thing I noticed was the temperature change.  It felt very cool but not at all damp.  My next observation was the hardwood floors.  Somehow, I expected there to be dirt floors.  To my way of thinking, caves always had dirt floors.  These were nice.  Highly polished and as we walked, our steps echoed.

Helen reached over to the rock wall and felt around for the light switch.  She flicked it on and sure enough, all of the lights came on.  The place looked beautiful.  It was very expansive.  There was a full, modern kitchen off to our left and opposite the kitchen looked to be a family room.  Apparently, the place came fully furnished, as I saw a big, flat screen television, two recliners, a leather sofa, some tables, and a few scattered lamps.  Hellen noticed my surprise and said, “Yes, it comes completely furnished.”

We spent a good hour going through the place, room by room.  Each time we entered a new area I was surprised at the detail and quality that had been put into it.  As we were heading back towards the entrance, the realtor stopped, looked at me and said that if I was serious about the place, there were a few things I needed to know.   Then she began to list them.

“First off, the post office won’t deliver mail to a cave.  You’ll have to get a PO Box in town.”  I told her that wasn’t a problem.  “Cell phone reception is very poor towards the back of the cave.”  Again, I let her know that wasn’t a deal breaker.  Finally, she says, “During times of hibernation, there is a bear that takes up a little space in the back bedroom.”

I told her there were a few other properties I still wanted to check out, but that I’d let her know.  In truth, I loved the place but wanted a little more information on the bear situation.

It hadn’t occurred to me initially, but there wasn’t a front door.  The cave was just open to the elements, not to mention the critters.  I began to wonder who lived there before.  Who had just packed up and left all their furniture and why?  Maybe this wasn’t something I should be getting into.  I called the realtor back and asked her if I could talk with the previous owners.  She seemed very reluctant to give me their name.  I told her it was available at the township office as it is a public record, so then she agreed to save me a trip there. 

“His name is Chesterfield.”

Like the cigarette, I asked.

“No, his first name is Chester, his last name is Field.  It’s not all one word.”

Do you happen to have any contact information for him?

“Our office doesn’t give out any personal information.  For that, you will have to go to the city offices.”

I thanked her and the next day drove into town to see what I could find out.

I think the real estate agent told them to expect me, for when I walked into the Clerk’s office, they seemed to be ready for me.

Already on the counter were the documents and history for that property, but that isn’t what I noticed right off.  The office itself was old and smelled musty.  There were two no smoking signs posted and yet the crusty-looking lady sitting back at her desk seemed to be chain smoking.  The ashtray on her desk was overflowing with cigarette buts and a cloud of smoke hung thick over where she sat.

Are you the county clerk? I asked.

“Do I look like an elected official?” she snarled.

I didn’t respond.  She appeared to be having a bad day. I slid the stack of documents to the end of the counter and proceeded to look through them.  I discovered Chester Field owned the property only 3 years.  Before Chester it was owned by a Lilly Thompson.  There was no mention of a bear on any of the paperwork, however, Lilly’s occupation was listed a circus performer.  I immediately wondered if this was a circus bear that Lilly had somehow liberated.


My search to locate Mr. Fields took me to a dead end.  From everything I found, it seems he left the country and now lives in Germany.  I had zero luck finding an address for him in Germany, but I did locate Mrs. Thompson. 


No phone number that I could find but at least I had a psychical address I could write to.  In the meantime, I went ahead and put an offer in on the cave.  I really liked it and didn’t want to wait. 

My offer was accepted, and I was now in Escrow.   Yikes!  Did I really just buy a cave?








 To be continued

The House Phone


Wire coming from the wall

to our plastic phone

Should we wish to make a call

listen for the tone

Connected to the poles outside

stretching across the land

We take this system all in stride

Isn’t it all grand?

Not good enough, someone said

this wire has to go –

So now we have a cell phone

to talk when on the go,

No more wires, no more poles

just voices in the air –

What’s so darn important

people talking everywhere

Had Radar had this little thing

he’d get Sparky in a flash –

and if generals were as smart as us

there would be no need for M.A.S.H.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

A Pale of Water


It didn’t appear well

no color in its cheeks,

Whenever sloshed around a bit,

no life within its peaks.

I thought it to be sickly

in your face a little terror –

for what I thought

as not quite well,

you guessed a spelling error.

Monday, August 1, 2022

A Collector's item


Actual J. Peterman catalog 

Ceiling Fan


    A single click

the fan goes round,

    as I sit here –

it cools me down.

    A second click

the fan speeds up,

    my paperwork

it does disrupt.

    I’ve never tried

the final click –

    gale force winds

should do the trick,

    all my pages on the ground

and my toupee

has not been found. 



Living well is the best revenge


To every boss I ever worked for
who was nothing more than a 
complete jerk.
This is for you.  This is what my Monday
looks like.