Monday, November 16, 2020

Forensic Entomologist


Jackie was never your ordinary little girl.  Bugs didn’t scare her, they made her more curious.  She chased grasshoppers, tried hard to understand why butterflies flew so erratically and even gave a presentation in grade school on how snakes propelled themselves along the ground, when they obviously had no feet.

In college she excelled in physics but surprisingly majored in law.  By the end of her formal education she had acquired a law degree, a master’s degree in physics and had a Bachelors in Entomology.  Needless to say, it surprised everyone when she took a job with law enforcement as a forensic entomologist.

I have known Jackie all of her life.  I have followed her career and have always enjoyed having her as one of my best friends, but when she asked me to write about her life in my blog, well… I just couldn’t do it.  I told her straight out;  “Sorry Jackie, but your job creeps me out.”

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