Friday, April 24, 2020

I Can't Believe This

Photographers have waited a lifetime
to get a shot like this.

Everything was perfect:

My Nikon was in top shape,

the film was fresh,

lighting perfect,

the subject, the background - everything

could not have been better.

I took my time,  made my settings...

and then -

at the most perfect time

an Osprey flies right in front of the camera,

carrying a very large fish

in its claws.

I didn't even have to move,

I simply snapped the picture.

As you may have guessed by now

this all took place some time ago,

back when you had to send film

out to be developed.

My pictures came back with a note
of apology. 

Just so you'll know -

All of the other pictures came out fine.

Mr. Corwin,  we regret to inform you that, due to
an unavoidable mishap at our lab,
we were unable to develop this print.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Not a story about a picture. Not a story about a bird. Not a story about an incompetent developer. Hummmm - Seems to me this is just another "Fish" story! The one that got away! ha ha