Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Helium was on the ceiling

At first I thought it was me.  I thought I was becoming forgetful and I was misplacing things.  Small words were missing.  Many of my sentences weren't making sense.  I'd have to go back to whatever I was writing and add them back in.  It really was becoming quite annoying.

Then, this morning, as I was headed to the kitchen for my coffee - I tripped over something.  I looked back to see what it was and lying there on the carpet was the word stumble.  I had no idea where that had come from.

As I looked around the room I could see other words; some smaller words were lying on table tops and counters, while bigger, heavier words were on the floor.  What was going on?

Once into the kitchen, where I had the coffee pot and my tablet plugged in, I could see the source of the leak.  The cord to my tablet had broken.  Right up by the plug was split open.

I couldn't believe it.  How long had this been going on?  I felt a little better knowing it wasn't me that was going bonkers, it was just my Samsung tablet that was leaking words.

I went to the back bedroom and opened my suitcase.  Sure enough, the suitcase lining was scattered with punctuation.  There were small periods, commas, quotes and asterisks everywhere.

What a mess.

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