Tuesday, December 31, 2019

But That's Me...

Had I been the wedding photographer - I believe I would
have turned off the ceiling light out in the hallway.
It's nice that it shows off the glass work above the doors
but the light itself is harsh and detracts.

I would have let the lady on the left sit down and I 
would have had the man stand where she's standing.

I may have gone with a brown or dark rust area rug
 instead of the green.

And, if the wedding photographer had been included
in the head count for dinner, I would have gone with the chicken, the pasta salad and cheesecake. 

Saint Bernard

responsible for feeding the 
larger breed dogs.

1279 to 1352  Boise

No More Calls

Something tells me

this happens a lot.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Painting the Shadows

I discovered this artist just last month. 
I was told by the locals that she always comes to
this same spot and always at the same time.

She seemed to have incredible focus.  No matter
how many tourists stopped to admire her work
and no matter how often the birds landed and squawked
about, she remained unaffected.

Her brushes and paints were not of the highest
quality.  I'm sure it was what she could afford.
And it was never about flash.  Colors were
secondary to her.

To her, shadows were key.

A fine example would be this one she calls;

Hand Shadow.

She's made it look as if the sun itself was
shining brightly behind her.

Truly Gifted.

Under Size 11

It’s not like they were stars twinkling in the night sky, these were just various houses up on the hillside.  Bedroom and kitchen lights seen from a distance – poking through the darkness appear almost magical.  People were going about their lives, unaware that from across the valley, their neighborhood looked like a wondrous galaxy.  Although it looked alien from a distance, in the light of day it was simply a hillside of mortgage payments, plumbing problems and dinner tables full of homework assignments and leftovers.

An unseen infrastructure comprised of bosses, teachers and parents scurry just below the surface.  Seemingly important issues generate stress and often time chaos in a daily routine.

Perhaps similar to a world explored by astronauts, unnoticed systems are crushed underfoot as unimportant rock samples are tossed into collection bags to be examined once back on Earth.

Now there’s your homework assignment.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Helium was on the ceiling

At first I thought it was me.  I thought I was becoming forgetful and I was misplacing things.  Small words were missing.  Many of my sentences weren't making sense.  I'd have to go back to whatever I was writing and add them back in.  It really was becoming quite annoying.

Then, this morning, as I was headed to the kitchen for my coffee - I tripped over something.  I looked back to see what it was and lying there on the carpet was the word stumble.  I had no idea where that had come from.

As I looked around the room I could see other words; some smaller words were lying on table tops and counters, while bigger, heavier words were on the floor.  What was going on?

Once into the kitchen, where I had the coffee pot and my tablet plugged in, I could see the source of the leak.  The cord to my tablet had broken.  Right up by the plug was split open.

I couldn't believe it.  How long had this been going on?  I felt a little better knowing it wasn't me that was going bonkers, it was just my Samsung tablet that was leaking words.

I went to the back bedroom and opened my suitcase.  Sure enough, the suitcase lining was scattered with punctuation.  There were small periods, commas, quotes and asterisks everywhere.

What a mess.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

It wasn't me

Last night I dreamt of a great treasure that fate was sending my way.  I was, however, surrounded by people colored by greed and infested with bad intentions.  I was a simple fish swimming about in a tank of sharks and trixters.

I began to question if any such treasure was worth thinking the worst of people.  I didn't even have the treasure yet and it was already affecting me as well as my sleep.  Perhaps for me the treasure was my ability to reject it and to hold fast to my belief that most people are good and decent.

The moment I came to that realization I began to feel better about myself.  No longer was I tossing and turning trying to get back to sleep.  A great calm came over me and I felt good.

That morning I explained to my wife and children the dream about fate's plan to deliver a great treasure to me and my realization that I needed to reject it.

My wife looked at me with intense disappointment and left the table.  My two girls told me I was lame, insensitive to their needs and was only thinking of myself.  Then they too left the table.

As I sat there looking down into my cereal bowl I began to wonder how, when floating in milk, the cereal manages to stay crunchy.  Maybe if I knew how that was possible, I could float about in riches but still remain steadfast to my principals.

What I needed was to seek out someone who was wise.  I was not smart enough to solve this one for myself.  While pushing my cereal around with my spoon I tried to think of someone very, very smart.

Some twenty minutes later I noticed the cereal had sunk to the bottom of the bowl and I was now late for work.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Blips on the Screen

Some friends I thought I would have for a lifetime turned out to be no more than blips on the screen.  They came into my life as warm butter joining a slice of fresh bread and we quickly became one entity.

Somewhere in a flicker of darkness they became memories, leaving me a little less than I was before.  I would have told them about you, your sense of humor - your smile.  I would have explained to them that you read my blog and sometimes you write back and we laugh at the silliness.

They used to point out my spelling errors and of course my punctuation.  They never let me slide on improper sentence structure or changing tenses in the middle of a paragraph.

Boy - they were annoying little blips.


I believe it to be the single most important attribute you can have.  Without it you become victim to skulduggery and remain prey to no-good-nicks.  Nurture it, however, and universal understanding envelopes you.

Having a keen awareness, along with a handy carrying case is priceless.  It lends you a certain air but not one so offensive that no one will sit sit next to you on the plane.

Complete and total understanding will help you to identify redundancies.  You will notice the world around you with every step, from the tiny ant - thankful for your awkward stride, to the spider lowering itself from the ceiling just above your head as you sit viewing this screen.

HA!  Made you look.
